Friday, August 5, 2011

Scented Nail Polish

Well, I gave them a shot.  NOT because they were scented, but because I was liking some of the colors.  The result?  A sick headache.  Yep, even though, initially, the smell wasn't unpleasant, the longer I wore it, the worse it got until BAM!  Headache.

Oh well, it's not like there aren't plenty of polishes and colors out there without these.

But the Revlon Passion Fruit was so pretty!

Revlon Passion Fruit (scented)

Scented Nail Polish - FAIL.


  1. Can't believe the scent is that strong! Does it really smell like passion fruit? The color is lovely on you.

  2. No, it doesn't smell like passion fruit. Now that I've thought about it, adding scent to nail polish is akin to adding scent to bleach. You can smell the lemon (or orange) but it still smells like bleach. Only now, it smells worse. LOL!


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