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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Holidays Giveaway! Enter Now!

Photo courtesy of Cult Nails website

In addition to the limited edition, numbered (268 of 275) bottle of Unicorn Puke (now known as Clairvoyant) you can also win Mind Control, Power Thief and Time Traveler (the rest of the Cult Nails Super Powers Collection) which are being generously added by Maria, Founder, Cult Nails as a part of this giveaway. WooHoo!

If you haven't ordered anything from Cult Nails yet, you haven't experienced the best in customer service. Seriously awesome. And you'll love the polishes, too. My favorite is In A Trance, of course. *grin*

So, join my blog, like Pointless Cafe on Facebook, follow me on Twitter @Scottishlass10, visit the Cult Nails site, pick out your favorite and tell me about it in the comments under this post.  Also see below for additional entries.

Good Luck!


  1. Hypnotize Me is my fave!

  2. My favorite is Living Water! (: It was the one that got me interested in Cult Nails (:

  3. I don't know for sure but I think somehow I entered twice. Didn't mean to. :( Anyway, my favorite Cult Nails color is Hypnotize Me. I'm wearing it right now in fact. :)


  4. I'm interested in Time Traveler. It looks like the perfect navy blue creme.

  5. Unicorn Puke!!! I was so sad when the collection sold out.

  6. My kind of Cool aid is my favourite :3

  7. I tried MKoCA first and it is still my fav (not the only one though lol)

  8. Unicorn Puke is my favourite of the lot! I love the flakies! :D

  9. My favorite is Clairvoyant/Unicorn Puke... despite that I don't own it yet. Of the ones I own, I'd have to say Living Water

  10. Clairvoyant is my fave, but second would be living water.

  11. Yay! This looks so great! I have to say Iconic is my favourite, just because I own it and absolutely adore the colour! Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

  12. i havent tried this so im hoping i would win :)

  13. Unicorn Puke - best name ever!! I actually had decided to buy the set, then checked and realized it was sold out. Sad!! But now ... another chance! Yay!

  14. My fav would def have to be Clairvoyant... Would love to try it out!

  15. Clairvoyant is my ultimate favourite! :D

  16. Unicorn Puke without any doubt! :-)

  17. They all look beautiful! Thanks to you and your blog I own three Cult Nails polishes and I would love any one of these!!!!!!!

  18. My favorite is definitely Clairvoyant!!!

  19. I think there are a lot of great polishes, but Clarvoyant/Unicorn puke is the most unique and I must choose it as my favorite.

  20. They have a lot of cool polishes but my favorite apart from Clairvoyant is living water.I'm guessing I've never had the cult nail brand.

  21. It's a three way tie between Power Thief, My Kind of Cool Aid, and Let Me Fly. I think I just dig the shimmers :)

  22. Clairvoyant is definitely my favorite!!

  23. My favorite Cult Nails polish, and the only one I own so far :( , is Clairvoyant. My next favorites would probably be Living Water or Iconic! I'd love to collect them all though, Cult Nails has a lot of awesome shades.

  24. My Kind of Cool Aid!

    Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into your blog!

  25. Clairvoyant for sure!! Thanks for doing this giveaway, it's awesome!

  26. From all the swatches I saw, I would absolutely love to try Clairvoyant.

  27. Unicorn Puke has to be my favorite :P
    (Claivoyant!!!!...I know it's the same!)

  28. Mine is Unicorn Puke! My sob story: I was flying back from Sweden that day and when I landed in London, I couldn't find wifi to save my life to place an order. :(

  29. Living Water is my favorite. I am a sucker for anything blue.

  30. My favorite is Unicorn Puke/Clairvoyant. I love the different color flakes!!

  31. My fav is Clairvoyant but thats a given for everyone. I also would love Living Water

  32. my favorite color is let me fly :)

    xyoulovekarlene at gmail dot com

  33. I could never name anything other than Unicorn Puke/Clairvoyant as my favourite Cult polish.
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  34. I don't have any of them, but Unicorn Puke looks like it would be my favorite!

  35. I'd have to say my favourite is Living Water <3

  36. Clairvoyant is my favorite. But I really do love Iconic. :D

  37. I am so excited to be getting these! Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Just in time for Christmas, my sister may be getting one of the other shades, but Unicorn Puke is mine.

  38. Awesome, Bubblewrap! Email me with your name and address!


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