Saturday, December 3, 2011

Orly Plum Noir Swatches and Review

Orly Plum Noir

Remember a while back when I told you how much I loved Orly's cremes? (See Orly Sapphire Silk review here.) Well, I found a new favorite! Orly Plum Noir! This is part of their Neue Neutrals Collection from 2007. Where HAVE I been? And where have their great cremes been lately?  Hmmm??? I love Fowl Play and Androgynie and the likes as much as anyone, but I'm a huge sucker for a great creme.

Again the formula was great! Very rich, highly pigmented smooth, glossy and slightly vampy plum creme. And I love the rubber-grip handles! If there was one thing I'd maybe want to tweak a bit, it's the cut of the brush. It doesn't splay/fan out as well as it could, which causes me, a clean-up hater, a bit of grief. But nothing that would keep me from trying more of their great cremes.

All photos are with a base, two coats of color and a top coat of Seche Vite in natural (no sun) light.

Orly Plum Noir

Orly Plum Noir

Orly Plum Noir

Orly Plum Noir
This one is going in my regular rotation of favorite "comfort polishes" that I revert to when I'm all swatched out!

Do you have it yet?


  1. I just recently discovered Orly too, and I love it! Still working on building up my collection - this one is a beauty though!!

  2. What a gorgeous shade of purple! I love shades like this. Orly has really grown on me, when I first started blogging I really knew nothing about them, but the more I get the more I want.


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