Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Zoya Mira - Swatches and Review

Oh how I do love a good blog sale! That's how I got Zoya Mira and I LOVE it!

Mira is a blue-toned purple creme and she's just lovely.

Perfect application, opaque in two light coats and so creamy-smooth.

Zoya Mira
Zoya Mira

Zoya Mira
Zoya Mira

Zoya Mira
Zoya Mira

Zoya Mira
Zoya Mira

and this is how she looks in soft indoor (artificial) lighting...

Zoya Mira
Zoya Mira

I'm still dealing with my plumber hands (but I fixed it myself! and I had a nice soak in a tub full of HOT water - Go me!) and a horrible head cold that fooled me into thinking it was gone only to come back twice as bad. So everything from my nose to my cuticles is sore and rough and dry and cracked. I'm just a MESS, but I sure am wearing a happy color on my nails. =)

Available at select Ulta stores or online at for $8.00.

Have you tried Mira yet?

Click here to enter my Winter Giveaway - ENDS FEBRUARY 8TH

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  1. Sometimes you can't beat a good creme polish...purple especially :-) I'm currently suffering from a sore throat. Hate being ill. Hope your better soon x

  2. I hope that you get well very soon! Sorry to hear that you feel like poop. :(
    On the bright side, your nails look gorgeous! ^-^

  3. This is a beautiful purple. Haven't seen this one before. Hope you feel better soon hon.

  4. I haven't ordered Mira yet, but I did get Jana and Petra based on your blog posts. I'm wearing Petra for the 1st time tonight. Love it!!!

    1. Petra and Jana are my all-time favorites! Zoya makes awesome cremes.

  5. Thanks for the well wishes everyone! Nothing that a bottle of NyQuil and about 24 hours sleep won't fix. =)


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