Monday, July 9, 2012

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place - Swatches and Review

As usual, I always seem to get back to Nails Inc. I'm obsessed with them lately!  The one I have for you today is SO gorgeous and so complex! New Burlington Place. The name comes from the area in Mayfair, City of Westminster, London and I wish I was there right NOW!

New Burlington Place is from Nails Inc.'s Midas Collection and I'm going to call it a duochrome, but I'm not entirely sure it's not a multichrome. It applied perfectly, like a creme! But it's full of glass flecks! It is a coppery/gold/autumn orange/rich berry red color. Well I'll just let you see for yourself. Two coats of color and one coat of Poshe top coat.

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place
Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Nails Inc. New Burlington Place

Well, didn't I TELL you?  Isn't it amazing?  Have you tried this one yet?  What's your favorite Nails Inc. polish? It would be perfect for Autumn. It also reminds me of MAC Bad Fairy, but I've only ever seen that in the bottle and in photos on the internet, so I could be way off.

Nails Inc. polishes are available in limited colors in the US at and a few other e-tailers. Unfortunately, the site in the UK doesn't ship to the US...yet. Thankfully I have a few friends in the UK. =)

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  1. Yes it is most definitely a Duo-chrome, and I LOVE IT! I have it and I can't stop staring at my fingers whenever I wear it.....

  2. I have this polish and agree, it is amazing! :)

  3. I have this polish. It's soo beautiful and I agree, perfect for Autumn!

  4. I don't have it, but I will! It is gorgeous! Perfect for Fall!

  5. Wow, that is an amazing polish! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  6. Sooo stunning! Those photos are amazing! And it does look a lot like Bad Fairy!

  7. I love this!! While not identical Models Own Pinky Brown and CQ Idyllic are very similar and may be easier to find.

  8. what an interesting shade and FABULOUS photos xxx

  9. So pretty, great swatches. Have you tried the blue one from the midas collection, I'm dying to see it swatched. I really want it but dunno if I can justify buying it.

  10. Wow, what a chameleon! Just beautiful, and your nails are such a lovely showcase for a color with so much character.

  11. So gorgeous! I'm very jealous of your nails!

    Boston Princess

  12. I can't believe I missed this post! OMG OMG OMG OMG. I cannot wait to put this on tonight!

  13. I love it! Where can I get this online?!


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