Saturday, August 11, 2012

Comparison Request - Chanel Suspicious vs. Nails Inc. Eccleston Mews

Nails Inc. Eccleston Mews on the left and Chanel Suspicious on the right. Suspicious is a bit "milkier" in appearance than Eccleston Mews. Both cremes. Both opaque in 2 coats. They're close, though and unless you're wearing them side-by-side, you'd have a hard time telling which one you were wearing. The formula is great on both.

Nails Inc. Eccleston Mews (left) vs Chanel Suspicious (right)

Yes, they're different enough that I have both, but I'm a little weird, so...

If I didn't already have both though, I'd probably go for Eccleston Mews. I like that it doesn't have that extra touch of white in the base.

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1 comment:

  1. Well I have Eccleston Mews and I still want Suspicious. What does that say about me? LOL


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