Friday, September 14, 2012

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour - Swatches and Review

It's FRIDAY!!! Today I have another polish from Enchanted Polish's Beatles Collection - Magical Mystery Tour.

Magical Mystery Tour is color-shifting, multichrome, linear holographic goodness in a bottle. I've applied one coat over a plain black creme. Application and formula, like the others so far, were fantastic. I had no issues. I tried to count the color shifts and lost count. Mainly this one shifts from blue to purple with several in between, including a great shimmering gold.

I probably should have culled the photos more because I have WAY too many, but it's Friday and we are finally getting RAIN! (Here in drought-stricken South Texas, that's reason to celebrate.) So...I'm just going to photo spam the heck out of you today so I can hurry out on the back porch with my cup of coffee and enjoy it.

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

Enchanted Polish Magical Mystery Tour

What do you think? How many color shifts did you count? I just love this one - especially the linear holographic properties.

Enchanted Polishes can be purchased through, Harlow & Company and MeiMei's Signatures. Be sure to follow Llarowe on FacebookHarlow & Company on Facebook, MeiMei's Signatures on Facebook and Enchanted Polish on Facebook for information, availability and updates. Enchanted Polishes retail for $15 for a full .5 oz bottle.    

*PR Sample provided for my honest review

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  1. Wow, that's like... magic! Amazing!

  2. I'm here in Texas too! I'm just loving this weather... but cloudy skies mean no pictures today :/ Unless I have a good enough lamp to take pics of a holo polish...

    Beautiful pictures by the way! Not too many at all, in fact I think you have just enough. ;)

  3. It's so beautiful!!! I'm wearing 'Across the Universe' right now and they look pretty similar... Do you have that one by any chance?? Having the Universe already, do you think I need the Mystery too??

  4. I not only like it but LOVE it!!! Cannot wait to be able to order it!!!

  5. Gorgeous! Sadly I missed stock release of the new ones on both Llarowe and Harlow & Co *sad face*. Hopefully they'll get more stock and I'll actually be awake when the restock happens. Can I ask what's this one like without undies?

    1. It's only slighty lighter without undies. I'd say fully opaque on short nails in 2 coats and on long nails in 3 coats. Same shifts, etc. ♥

  6. This is just so insane! absolute magic in a bottle!


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