Friday, October 26, 2012

Comparison Request: Orly Miss Conduct vs Zoya Blaze

Comparison Request: Orly Miss Conduct (post here) vs Zoya Blaze (post here) vs China Glaze Hyper Haute (posts here and here)

As you can see, NOT dupes! No top coats on any of them for the photos.

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  1. I LOVE the Zoya Blaze! oh hell..I love them all! But to me, Blaze is special! Great job! Thanks Sheila!

  2. This post just made me want Zoya Blaze even more! Oh who am I kidding, I want them all!

  3. Just got the Zoya Gilt Trio (managed to resist it on the pre-order, but then they put it back out...) and had to throw in Blaze now too! So pretty!

  4. May I join the club? Your post made me fall in love with Zoya Blaze! :-*

  5. I've just bought Miss Conduct!
    Cant wait to try it on now!
    But today I tried on Halo from same collection! Than one's amazing too!!
    Great comparison btw! Thanks!

  6. I'm so glad none of these are dupes, as I've just ordered Miss Conduct and Blaze, and I already have Hyper Haute. It never occurred to me that Miss Conduct and Blaze were similar until I saw your post, actually. Thanks a bunch!

  7. I am nuts for Zoya Blaze - I don't have the other 2 but still always love, love seeing comparisons.

  8. I love all three but Blaze will be my first purchase! It's not in stores here yet...(sad face)

  9. I love all of these! I just got Miss Conduct today and have it on right now and I'm in love! However, since Hyper Haute came out last year and might be harder to find, I won't worry about it too much since they are kind of similar! I definitely see the differences but not so much that I think I need both. Thanks for the comparison!


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