Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses - Swatches and Review

Good evening! Tonight I have a new one from Ninja Polish to show you: Strawberries 'n Roses.

Strawberries 'n Roses is part of their Bling! Collection and it's an extremely sparkly pink/magenta/holo glitter polish that has to be seen in person for the full effect but in spite of that I DO have quite a few photos to show you. This one can be worn alone (3 coats - you will see it that way as as accent nail in some of the photos) but I prefer to layer it. I used one coat over Chanel Accessoire with the accent nail of it alone and then I layered one coat over Pure Ice Monte Carlo - a coordinating jelly polish. One coat of Poshe on both manis. No issues to report with application or formula.

This is what Ninja Polish had to say about Strawberries 'n Roses:

...contains fine rose colored pink glitters as well as highlights of holographic gold. The hint of gold in this pink polish gives an amazingly unique look. The glitters are in a clear base and cover fully in approximately 3 coats. This polish looks great in regular lighting and explodes in holographic goodness in the sun.

4-free, Vegan and Cruelty free 15ml bottle.

First, over Chanel Accessoire with 3 coats alone as an accent nail...

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses over Chanel Accessoire

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses - 3 coats alone

And over Pure Ice Monte Carlo...

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses

Ninja Polish Strawberries 'n Roses
over Pure Ice Monte Carlo

What do you think of this one? It is so blingy I can't even think of a word for it!

Strawberries 'n Roses, as well as other Ninja Polishes, is available at Ninja Polish and it retails for $9.00 for a full 15mL bottle. You can also follow Ninja Polish on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on re-stock information, see swatches and participate in giveaways

*PR Sample provided for my honest review

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  1. This is beautiful! Great pics and great job, Ninjas!

  2. Wow! I think this may be my favorite of all the Bling! polishes so far! And the combos you chose are amazing!

  3. Amazing, wonderful polish....NEED, WANT!!!

  4. oh crap! another one for the wishlist :(

  5. That is soooo gorgeous! I love pink and gold as a combination and I love finely milled glitters like this!

  6. Awesome! The only decision would be which base colour to choose, it looks very special over both colours!


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