Nothing to Disclose
To all who are planning on a fabulous night out ringing in the New Year in high style - KUDOS! Stay safe and have fun....
...but just one question before you go if it's not too much trouble? What, exactly, makes a fabulous night out? I love to laugh. I have fun. And yet, I think I'm missing the "party" gene. I can't even define "partying."
It's like barbies. I used to call my best friend and the conversation would go something like this:
Me: What are you doing?
Her: Playing with barbies.
Me: But what are you DOING?
Her: I told you, I'm playing with barbies.
Me: I know but what are you DOING with the barbies?
Her: Just playing with them.
Me: I mean HOW are you playing with them.
Her: What do you mean?
Me: I mean tell me exactly what you're doing with them.
Her: Well... (silence) What? Are you writing a book? I gotta go. (click)
Yes Cindy, I'm talking about YOU!
I just couldn't figure out how to play with them. They didn't DO anything. You could change their clothes over and over but I never got past that - and how is that even fun? Did I just not have an imagination?
I don't think that was it because I could sit down with a blank sheet of paper and a pen and write fantastically absurd stories, transporting myself to other worlds and other lifetimes. And draw colorful "masterpieces" in which each mark had a specific meaning. Or create secret languages. Heck, wrapping a handkerchief around my eyes and feeling my way around the house (you know in case I ever went blind) was more fun than barbies for crying out loud!
photo cred: |
How many times can you pose them or change their clothes?
I just sucked at barbies.
In the same way, I suspect, that I suck at partying. I can't figure out exactly HOW to party and when I ask? Well, after the odd looks I get when they realize I'm seriously asking such a ridiculous question, I get answers much like my friend gave about playing with barbies. So I guess you either know how or you don't?
Maybe if I had a friend close by who was a partier, I could tag along and figure it out, but I suspect that trying to dissect it would kill it. It can't JUST be drinking. In my younger days, I went with my husband to a few NYE parties at bars. Had a few drinks, danced a few dances, laughed. Is that "partying?" It certainly didn't feel like the blurry, incoherent view I have semi-formed in my head of what partying is. I looked at my watch, tried to "pretend drink" the nasty but obligatory glass of champagne at midnight, wondered if the dogs were okay, enjoyed the kiss at midnight and made a bee-line for home. Am I a stick-in-the-mud?
Or maybe...just maybe I'm the "slow kid in class" who turns out to be so far ahead of the class that I'm just bored? Yeah, that's it! (She thought wishfully.)
So this year, I'm staying home with the dogs. I have Murphy now, a rescue who's 100 pounds of love and scared of his own shadow. He hates fireworks, so he will be inside, under Mommy's feet. Safe.
And don't even get me started on "making resolutions" for the new year. Yeah, I won't be doing that.
I will be making THIS sign to hang in my office though.
You know...just so I don't forget.
Happy New Year!!!!
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