Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Forty-Seven and Celebrating with Chanel

Nothing really special about the number 47. And it IS just a number, or so I've been told. But I'm here to tell you that it's just as painful when said rapidly as it is when said slowly.

I'm 47 today. When my mother was 47, she had an 11 year old handful (me) and I can barely handle two dogs. She was some woman and I miss her, especially on birthdays. I mean after all, 47 years ago today I was causing her some pain I would imagine.

The Mystery of 47

I've always hated birthdays because they're depressing and usually a huge let-down. But for the past few years, having my guy in my life has changed that I think. And my friends. I have a LOT of acquaintances but not what I would call a lot of friends. But the ones I DO have, well, they're the BEST. Every now and then a snake slips in, but overall, I'm a pretty good judge of character and I must say, I do have the BEST taste in friends.

If you've read my post, Thank Goodness for Quilted Toilet Paper, you know how I feel about "stuff" and life's not really about "the stuff." You know the old adage, the best stuff in life isn't stuff.

But I'm going to show you some "stuff" anyhow because, well, I can't take photos of "unstuff."

My friends got together and surprised me with the best gift a nail polish lover could ask for...

La Collection Paris-Moscou - From Russia (via Paris) with love. Three limited-edition, jewel-toned nail shades that evoke the riches of the Russian Empire - the inspiration behind the Chanel Paris-Moscou Fashion Show (FNO 2008) designed by Karl Lagerfeld. 

Affectionately called The Russies by nail polish aficionados the world over.

The Russies!!!! I nearly fainted. Then I may have cried a little. Something I've wanted for a long time and something I'd never have bought for myself. My. Friends. ROCK.

I got a few other goodies too - from my friend Ashley...

...for the Doctor Who and Harry Potter fan in all of us.  The key ring says Accio Coffee! A Time Turner. A Doctor Who Toile make-up bag. She knows me so well!

So...wanna see swatches of the Chanels? Tune in later today for my blogpost with full swatches!

If I survive 47.

And if THEY can survive 47, so can I. They being this lot of "famous" people who are also 47...

R. Kelly, Samantha Fox, Chris Rock, Janet Jackson, Shania Twain, Cindy Crawford, Charlie Sheen, Helen Bonham Carter, Cynthia Nixon, Marlee Matlin, Robin Wright, Jami Gertz, Nancy McKeon, Ben Stiller, Heidi Fleiss, Julianna Margulies.

If you enjoyed this post, please take a second to "like" it! Thanks!



  1. I'm so glad you loved your present. We love you, Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday, I too am 47 it has a nice ring to it, in September ***48 even better

  3. I love you so much! You deserve everything and more! ♥

  4. Love you lots, and what Jackie said :) - and you know, Helena Bonham Carter is one of the coolest actresses out there, and that definitely makes 47 less bad :*

  5. Happy Birthday sweet Sheila!!! I'm so happy you love your gift =D I may have cried a little too... ♥

  6. Happy Birthday!!! You will survive 47 and love it.

  7. Happy birthday, it IS just a number. Enjoy your day, and your polishes. (And the starbursts lol)

  8. Happy Birthday Sheila!!!! How wonderful reading about your happiness and I am so touched by your gratefulness :-)!!! I will turn 48 in a couple of weeks - done with 47 ;-) and my eagerness to find out what's hidden around the next corner is undiminished. So go Sheila, go - there is still so much to be discovered <3!!!!

  9. Happy birthday!!! Hope you had an amazing day!! Sounds like you have some great friends! :)

  10. I am VERY envious!!! The BIG 47 was one of the best years of my life. I am sending you all kinds of positive vibes so that you can say the same thing this coming year. And many many more happy returns of the day, Sheila!

  11. I`m a little bit late...Happy Birthday :) I always thought (when i saw your hands) you`re at least 20 years younger so you must have very good genes ;) I wish you all the best and keep up the great work :)

  12. Your hands don't look a day beyond 30!


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