Friday, July 12, 2013

The Nail Junkie Fairy Tale Collection

Press Sample 
*These products are Cruelty Free 

Tonight I have the newest collection from The Nail Junkie to show you - the Fairy Tale Collection.

This line consists of 4 all new glitter polishes - descriptions from the maker...

UnicornA bright and shimmery glitter topcoat polish made up of 5 different shades of neon hex glitter and a dash of holographic micro glitter.

MermaidAn oceanic micro glitter polish made of turquoise, sea foam green and white iridescent micro glitters. This polish can be layered over another polish but looks just perfect alone.

FairyA whimsical and fun glitter topcoat full of silver hex glitter, pink stars, purple stars and a dash of holographic micro glitter.

WizardA positively magical glitter topcoat that instantly transforms on the nail. Wizard is a blend of bar, hex and micro iridescent glitters that take on a new life when applied over your polish. 

Continued after the jump...

Unicorn - No issues at all to report - everything came out of the bottle nicely, spread evenly and laid flat on the nail. One coat over Kiko 338 and one coat of Poshe top coat.

Artificial lighting...

The Nail Junkie Unicorn

Indirect natural lighting...

The Nail Junkie Unicorn
The Nail Junkie Unicorn
The Nail Junkie Unicorn

The Nail Junkie Unicorn

Mermaid - I used this one on its own with no issues - shown in the photos are two coats and one coat of Poshe top coat. No issues to report.

Artificial lighting...

The Nail Junkie Mermaid
Indirect natural lighting...

The Nail Junkie Mermaid

The Nail Junkie Mermaid

The Nail Junkie Mermaid

The Nail Junkie Mermaid

Fairy - No issues on this one either. Everything came out of the bottle nicely, spread evenly and laid flat on the nail. One coat of this over Kiko 327 and one coat of Poshe top coat.

Artificial lighting...

The Nail Junkie Fairy

Indirect natural lighting...

The Nail Junkie Fairy

The Nail Junkie Fairy

The Nail Junkie Fairy

The Nail Junkie Fairy

Wizard - This one really surprised me! It looks great over just about anything but to give you the best view of what's IN the polish, I've layered it over a plain black creme and wow does it POP! Everything in it takes on a different look depending on the base color you use. No issues to report - one coat over black with one coat of Poshe top coat.

Artificial lighting...

The Nail Junkie Wizard

Indirect natural lighting...

The Nail Junkie Wizard

The Nail Junkie Wizard

The Nail Junkie Wizard

The Nail Junkie Wizard

The Nail Junkie Wizard


What do you think of these? Which is your favorite? She sold out at the launch but has just re-stocked her shop with these so head on over and check them out!

The Nail Junkie polishes are available at The Nail Junkie Etsy Store here.  Also, you definitely need to follow The Nail Junkie blog and Facebook page for updates and announcements. 

From the maker:
  • My polishes are $10 each and include FREE SHIPPING AND A COMPLIMENTARY GIFT! 
  • International orders ship for a low flat rate based on your region, this means: buy all the polishes you like, pay only one low fee to ship.
  • Custom printed labels are available for all polishes and are listed in my shop. Add names, pictures or whatever you'd like for only $2 per bottle. 
  • All orders ship via USPS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF PAYMENT
  • All of my ingredients are 3 Free and Cruelty Free and I use only stainless steel mixing balls. 
  • I stand behind my products 100%. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase or have questions and concerns, please contact me immediately. 
  • Also, as always, if you order 2 or more bottles of my polish you will receive a 5 gram jar of my very own hypoallergenic, fragrance free, ultra healing "Cutie Cuticle Balm". Due to rave reviews this product is also sold on it's own in both a 5g and larger 10g jar. 

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  1. These are so pretty! I need Fairy and Unicorn... and maybe Wizard. ;)

  2. Unicorn is calling my name! So pretty and fun!

  3. Just ordered the three of them - I think this is all there is needed to say - oh except immaculate swatches as always :-)

  4. Oh my, now look at me - you showed four - I did not order mermaid. The other three have created an instant Must-have ;-)

  5. That unicorn one is so cute :)

  6. Your swatches always make me drool so bad...I am so happy that I already have those.
    Naturally, Fairy is my favorite, but this is such an amazing collection! Each and every piece of it!!!!!


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