Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekend Bits and Bobs: September 8, 2013

Nothing to Disclose

Nothing really exciting happened this past week. No great travel photos or anything else remotely interesting, but I do have a few Bits and Bobs.

A new eye shadow palette: Wet n Wild Fergie Center Stage Collection: Photo Op in A031 Metropolitan Nights. I liked the other one I showed you last week so well, it's so well-pigmented, that I got another one.  This one is more like what I wear every day.


I got some leggings while they were on sale at Romwe. They came pretty quickly considering they ship from Australia. They're SO comfy! And I love houndstooth.

This is a crappy cell pic with a Twinks photo bomb, but the fact that I'm actually putting a photo of me wearing them on "tha interwebz" is the really crazy thing. Oh well, if "they're making fun of me, they're leaving someone else alone!"


And THIS just recently happened. *sad face*

Yes, I need readers now. I had LASIK about 13 years ago and my vision was 20/15 for all those years so I can't complain. It was still the best thing I ever did for myself - I still have 20/20, just not for up close.



And all of that work putting new airmatic shocks on the front of my car? I TOLD HIM we needed to take it to the shop, but noooooooooooooo! Turns out, it's probably the pump. So, I'll be replacing the fuse and seeing how long it takes it to blow it out again. At least thanks to the internet I know it's Fuse 32 and the O relay.



But, to end on a good couple of notes, I got THIS new Doctor Who tee. ♥
(On sale! From favorite mani of the week was Darling Diva RuPaulogize. That name just cracks me UP and the color is AMAZING! Once I put it on, I stopped swatching for the day and wore it to a fish fry.

And to reinforce the positive even more? IT'S RAINING AGAIN! #lovetherain

How was YOUR week?

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1 comment:

  1. No need to worry, you look great in the leggings! I love the houndstooth. I could never wear them with my short chubby legs, though. :(


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