Thursday, October 3, 2013

E-tailer Review:

Nothing to Disclose

When something makes us angry or we feel we've been cheated or treated poorly, bloggers (myself included) tend to take to our blogs - use it as a platform to "spread the word." And good for us - this is my blog and while I always want to listen to the readers and what they want to see and hear from me, I do feel like one of the perks is having a platform to speak my mind about things. And to warn other, unsuspecting people.

BUT today, I have something positive to say.

I ordered a few things from on the 17th of September. (I've ordered from them in the past with NO issues at all.) As of yesterday (October 2nd) I still didn't have my package. I got an order confirmation within minutes of my order and a ship notice WITH TRACKING NUMBER  later that same day. Around the last few days of September I'm thinking "didn't I order something?" You know me, I can barely remember yesterday these days. So I scoured my email and started checking the tracking (Fedex SmartPost, but my RANT about them is for another day) and the package seems to be wandering around lost. I went to the post office. Nothing. I contacted Fedex. Nothing. No one knows where it is.

So I contacted I got an immediate response from a real person. My options were an immediate, full refund or immediate re-shipping. And an apology even though it was clear it was NOT their fault. I opted for re-shipping. About 3 hours later I got a new ship notice and a partial refund for the item that is now out of stock.

Great customer service. Highly recommend.

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  1. LOVE hearing about companies that still have real customer service. its waaaaay to rare these days.

  2. that's great news! i was randomly searching for a fragrance today and their website came up. i wondered if they were legit. then i found your blog post in my bloglovin feed. serendipitous! thanks for using your platform! glad they straightened out your order.


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