Thursday, March 20, 2014

GOT Polish? Golden Oldie Thursday: Ruffle Mani

Nothing to Disclose

I have a serious problem in that I am always looking for that NEW polish fix when I have so many lovely polishes languishing in the drawer...polish I love enough to save them from purges or the donation box. And yet I don't wear them!

So when Debbie over at The Crumpet put together the GOT Polish Challenge, I was all for it! GOT stands for Golden Oldie Thursday - we pull out a polish that's a year old or older that we haven't worn either in a year or ever. This Thursday is Ruffle Mani!

For this one I used Zoya Dove and Zoya Toni and for the second photo I layered an Elevation Sample holo topper over it.

Ruffles manis are NOT my favorite thing in the world. So I sort of cheated and just did an accent nail. But just because I'm a stubborn, red-headed smart alec, I did my own version of a Ruffle Mani that you may have seen on my Facebook page or on Instagram. *giggle*

Hey, if you want a certain thing, be a leeeeetle more specific next time!

For this one I used Dior Electric Blue, Milani Rapid Cherry and Elevation Polishes for the chip (crisp) in Mount Ventoux and Streetside NYC.

Be sure and check out all the other great GOT Polish manicures in the links below!

If you want to  join in the fun, you can find out the details here:

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  1. I love these! I never seem to be able to do ruffles. And I love your Ruffle product mani!

  2. I love the ruffles AND the Ruffles! :D

  3. OMG! You rock with those Ruffles! Can't stop at one right? Wait...I think that is Lay's? Your thumb is giving me the munchies!

  4. I love both of these manis but I think my favorite is the Ruffle chip mani! ;)

  5. Ha. Naughty.
    The one 'ok, I'll be good' nail does actually look good.

  6. Smart to only do an accentnail! I love the colors that you've used.

  7. I'm in love with your nails on that first photo - the mani without the holo topcoat! The shape, the colors, the design, the skillful application, the cleanup! Perfection.

  8. Brilliant! My favourite is the first picture, I'm just so drawn to it! The colours are just perfectly suited and I especially like the purple it's beautiful! I love your third interpretation, that crisp looks almost edible!

  9. Beautiful! The holo topcoat does it for me, though.


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