Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Nail Art Journey...So Far

Nothing to Disclose

Today I have a little walk down memory pictures. Yesterday would have been my 21st wedding anniversary had cancer not decided to pull my life apart. I turned to painting (on canvas) to occupy my mind. But I never could figure out how to transition to nails. Such a small canvas! And yes, I stick out my tongue. Sometimes I even catch myself holding my breath!

So since so many of you wanted to see more nail art (I did a poll lol) I vowed to give it a shot and try to get better. What I did first was start a "Copy-Caturday" series where each Saturday I would find nail art I loved from others and try to re-create it or do my own version of it (with credit and links of course)! And then I finally got more confident - enough to try it on my own. I've definitely gotten better, though still not "FANTASTIC!!!!" enough for me. So as my nail art journey continues, I keep plugging along trying to get better. I've even done a few that I was super proud of! And I've still had some fails. Okay, quite a few. But each mani has taught me something!

So I've pulled some of my favorites along the way to show you today. See if you can tell which were older and which are more current!

Thanks for reading and enjoy the photos!

If you'd like to see more, please follow my "Nail Art" board on Pinterest.

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  1. These are amazing, you should be proud. I wish I could do nail art :) x

  2. You're AMAZING at nail art!!! These are all beautiful!!! ♥

  3. These are seriously so pretty! Some day I will get to your level, I swear it!

  4. I'm sorry for your loss & hope you have found solace in your art.

  5. Can you tell me please what purple you used for that mani with the houndstooth accent nail? thanks!

  6. These are gorgeous-- beautiful and creative. That trompe l'oiel remains my all time favorite nail art I've ever seen and the autumn leaves and lavender-y quartz one are so pretty. I even like the sand on the sharks-- so cool.

  7. I think your nail art is awesome Sheila. Your feelings about your skills mirrors how I feel about my own. But I try to remember that often times we only see our mistakes while others simply see great nail art. Remembering this has increased my confidence quite a bit. And practice helps as well! Also my condolences for your loss.

  8. Your Monet Water Lilies nails are so beautiful! I wish I could paint like that, wow!

    Pnk Cynthia

  9. I remember some of these, but some are new to me :) my favourutes are your 3D designs, Monet garden and the orange mani with maple leaves.

    Could you please tell me, the blue mani with hibiscus flower stamping (5th photo from the bottom) - was it made with Infinity stamping plate?

  10. Shelia, you do such beautiful work.

  11. Wonderful post, friend - and I understand what you mean about art being cathartic and healing. Wishing you healing, and continued self-discovery in art <3

  12. Apparently I missed your Radiant Orchid nail art, but it's probably my favourite of yours now! I also adore your Monet's Water Lilies, it's beautiful! <3

  13. You are so flippin talented! I wish we saw more nail art on your site, the work is very special and I especially enjoyed the first few photos!

  14. I love this post, so much good stuff!! I'm so excited to see what you'll be doing for future DD challenges. :)

    I've learned when it comes to art (including nail art) that there's always a gap between what you're capable of doing, and what you envision. That's not a bad thing - it means you will always be working towards something, improving your skills, coming up with new creative ideas, etc. Over time you see yourself improving and that is extremely motivating. I can see that here, and it's exciting. :)

  15. You are truly amazing Shelia! I have been a fan of yours for a long time and this just puts me in awe of you!!! Xxoo

  16. Your nail art is beautiful and I always enjoy seeing it (as well as your other posts!)! I hope you are still painting on canvas as well, someone with your talent needs to share with the world!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm sorry that cancer had to rear its ugly head in your life, but I'm glad that it lead you to painting, and eventually to these gorgeous creations. I'm seriously in awe of some of these. I'm always too scared to try nail art because I have 0% artistic ability. My "art" is an accent nail :(

  19. Your nail art is brilliant!! Considering your pretty new to it as well, it's so good!! And even forgetting that, your standard is so high and it looks great, you should be so proud of yourself!! :)

  20. there are some really great manis here - you should be proud x

  21. The most amazing nail art compilation i've come across so far. Thanks a lot for doing this post. Please do tutorial post and nail colors used for each of the designs. Again hats-off for your talent and creativity.....


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