Monday, June 30, 2014

Poptastic Toothpick Marble Nail Art Photo Tutorial


Warning! Danger, Will Robinson! I don't typically do a lot of tutorials, but I've had so many requests for a tutorial on the Poptastic Toothpick Marble I did yesterday that I couldn't refuse. Just be warned. Tutorials aren't my forté.

This is the mani...

So I've put together a quick photo tutorial for you. This one is similar to the one I did for Nail It Magazine but also different.

With that one, you just use 3 shades and drag the toothpick back and forth across the nail.

With this one, there are 6 shades, concentrated to one side of the nail and you only drag the toothpick in one direction.

Here's what I used - the Color Club Poptastic Summer 2014 Collection...

It looks a bit messy but as it dries it settles in nicely and then you top coat it (once it's fairly dry) and it's smooth! Well it's smooth if you don't get too much polish on like I did in the example.

EDITED TO ADD: I don't actually touch the brush to the polish below it. I sort of "hover" and let it flow. I think once I accidentally touched and I just wiped the brush off quickly on a paper towel.

That's my right hand in the last photo and it turned out better on that one than on my left. And I'm right-handed! Lots of times with nail art, I'll do my left hand and then on my right use the same base color and only do a matching accent nail. The exceptions are the toothpick marble and the gradient. Because those are so easy!

Have you tried this method yet?

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  1. Very easy to follow! thanks for taking the time :)

  2. Thank you SO much for posting this. I'm a nail art doof and this look like something I might actually be able to pull off. I love the way the Poptastic colors look. One question: how do you keep the brushes for the individual colors clean? Do you clean them after application of each color? Do you use extra brushes? Any pointers would be appreciated.

    1. I don't actually touch the brush to the polish beneath. I sort of "hover" and let it flow. I'm not sure how to describe it!

  3. I love this! Thank you for the tutorial.

  4. Yup, definitely know what I've been doing wrong now! Thanks so much!

  5. Ahhh! I love it! Thank you so much for making the tutorial

  6. This looks so cool! I've done toothpick marbles before, but never quite like this with the polishes on one side and only pulling in one direction. I love the effect!

  7. This is amazing! I love this look. Thanks for the little tutorial too!

  8. I really like this mani Iand the colours you chosen.I have never tried this before so will give it ago :) xx

  9. I'm in love with this mani & the color combination!!

  10. I saw this design on Sparkle Queen's LinkUp and just had to click! WOW it's SOO colorful! I do believe I am in love! I haven't tried this technique, but I think this will be the mani that motivates me. I think you did a great job with the tutorial and really appreciate you taking the time to do it. Happy 4th!

    1. Yay! Please post your photo on my FB page so we can see! Or tag me on IG? ♥

  11. Sheila you make this technique look so flawless and beautiful. I think I'm just heavy-handed with the toothpick because I inevitably end up digging up my base coat or having big gouges that aren't cute. Need practice, evidently. :)

    1. You can do it! Best tip I have is to practice the regular back and forth one on naked nails (the Nail It Tutorial I did has the back and forth kind) and you'll get the feel of it in no time. Sometimes I do mine on naked nails. Otherwise I do it as an Extend-a-Mani on a fully set base.

  12. I saw your mani and loved it. Your tutorial was great so I tried it myself. I was very happy with the results and got a lot of positive comments from my friends and coworkers. Thank you!

    1. YAY! That's awesome!!! Please share on my FB page if you are comfortable sharing! ♥


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