Friday, June 13, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen Does Metals: Day 5 - Metallic Toothpick Marble

Nothing to Disclose

The Digit-al Dozen

Good Morning, it's FRIDAY! That's good and bad. good because,'s Friday, and bad because this is the last day of Digit-al Dozen week.

Today I have one of my stand-by techniques - the toothpick marble.

I used Pure Ice Magic for the middle and Silver Mercedes on one side with Borghese Lira on the other. Then while they were still wet, I just used a toothpick to drag the colors back and forth across the nail starting at the cuticle and ending at the tip. Of course you have to do them one nail at a time so they don't dry. This is one of the quickest and easiest nail art techniques I know how to do.

Since this is the last day, I thought I'd show you a couple of Metals Week manis that didn't make the cut.

A scroll-y one...

And a splotchy one...

Have a great weekend!!!

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  1. love the one that made the cut - and it's so fun to see your other manis! I quite liked them :)

  2. I suck at this technique but this looks great - it almost looks like a demented tiger pattern x (in a good way)

  3. Beautiful! I like the ones that didn't make the cut, too! :) You do nice work!

  4. You rock the toothpick marble! And I love seeing the manis that didn't make the cut...they're still awesome!

  5. Gorgeous! Ok, the fact that you had 7 manis for this theme is amazing! :)

  6. Why can't my toothpick marbles look this good?

  7. Fabulous! Really like how you got all those metal colours in one mani!

  8. I've never seen this technique before, your nails looks gorgeous!

  9. I'm so envious of your talent! I've never tried this technique, I'm too chicken. LOL


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