Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Glitter Gal Aussie Slang Collection

Press Sample 
*These products are Cruelty Free 

Today I have a 7 new polishes from Glitter Gal to show you called the Aussie Slang Collection. They are all cremes, which as you know is perfect for me!

Glitter Gal

Continued after the jump...

All 7 of these had the same creamy smooth, self-leveling formula - with varying opacity. I will tell you how many coats for each one as I show photos. No issues at all to report with any of them.


Bloke Chaser is a very color-saturated deep pink - nearing red. 3 light coats with one coat of top coat for the photos.


Chuck A Wobbly is a soft dove-grey. 2 coats with one coat of top coat for the photos.


Deadset Red is a warm, tomato red. I used 4 light coats of this one to achieve opacity. No top coat for the photos.


Kangaroo Island is caramel/ginger burnt sierra. 3 light coats with one coat of top coat for the photos.


No Worries is a pistachio green. 2 coats with one coat of top coat for the photos.


Pink Sunnies is a blush pink. This one was giving my camera fits with my super pale skin so I've taken 2 photos in stronger lighting so you can see the color saturation level. The first photo is the most accurate how it will look in most lighting. 3 light coats with one coat of top coat for the photos.

Strong Lighting

Strong Lighting

Wattle Breath is a bright chartreuse green-yellow. This was the other one that toyed with the emotional well-being of my camera because of my super pale skin. First photo is how it looks in most lighting to my eye. Second photo is in indirect natural lighting/shade making it read a bit cooler than it is. 3 coats with one coat of top coat for the photos.


Of course you know my favorite is going to be Kangaroo Island. So my kind of shade! And Chuck A Wobbly is a close second - there are lots of greys I love but there just aren't as many lighter dove greys I've been able to find with great formulas.

What do you think? Favorites?

Glitter Gal products can be purchased online on glittergal.com.au (international delivery) and at their 
various stocklists around the world (including Llarowe, where I got these)Two sizes - their 15ml bottles, which are beautifully boxed in premium packaging, or their 10ml size, which is what I show in my photos. 

For more information, please refer to Glitter Gal's website and check them out on the Glitter Gal Facebook page and on Twitter  and the Glitter Gal blog. You can also subscribe to the Glitter Gal newsletter for new releases, news and information on giveaways and competitions.

These are available at Llarowe starting tomorrow, November 5, 2014 in the 10mL size for $9 each.

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