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Sunday, December 28, 2014

State of the Blog Address (hehehe)

Nothing to Disclose 

Hi guys!! Didya miss me?

I hope everyone had wonderful, happy holidays, whatever you celebrate!

Me, Eh, I'm glad they're almost over. I don't do well with holidays - probably because I have had impossible expectations in my head since I was a child watching the "movie holidays" that just can't be real. And not having anyone to celebrate with sort of puts a wet blanket over the whole thing. Plus I dislocated my shoulder and survived pneumonia. December hates me. I think I always expect a Norman Rockwell Christmas and always end up with a Salvador Dali one. And yet I remain the glass half full girl. But the holidays are the closest I come to glass half empty.

So while it's tempting to say I haven't posted because I've been so busy with the holidays, the truth is more like I've been in "hibernation mode" waiting for them to be over. And actually Christmas wasn't bad - I spent Christmas Eve and the night of Christmas Day with friends, eating and playing games and generally being silly. So I really don't know what I'm griping about since I know I'm so blessed compared to so many.

But I have been swatching like a mad woman. I'm SO behind and I have so many beautiful things to show you if ever I get all the photos cropped and watermarked! Elevation Polish, Chaos and Crocodiles, Picture Polish, Darling Diva, Girly Bits, Colors by Llarowe, Pahlish, MORE Darling Diva, KBShimmer and dozens of miscellaneous individual polishes. And nail art! 2015 is going to be GREAT!

Right now, I'm sitting here contemplating my end-of-year posts. Last year I did so many! This year there won't be as many. But here's a helpful hint - I will be doing a giveaway of 2 bottles of my Favorite Polish of 2014!

So while you may have noticed I haven't been posting as often lately, there isn't just one reason, there are several. I'm still trying to find a balance between work and blogging. I've been sick/injured. It's been the holiday season. I'm a bit overwhelmed with the volume of polish. The sun doesn't shine as often. Most of it is, "oh, I'll have time to get to that tomorrow." Still the Queen of Procrastination. So only a small part of it is actual blogger burnout. Not enough of it for me to really worry. Yet.

Back soon to assault and overwhelm your optical nerves! Or just get on your nerves?


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  1. Not sure if I told you lately but I really ♥ you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't read very many blogs, but yours is definitely one of them. I always find an interesting point of view here. I hope the sun will shine brighter on you in January!

    Sorry for deleting my previous comment: I noticed a typo!!

  4. Oh, I'm sorry you haven't had a great December. *hugs* I hope January will look better for you, and I can't wait for your swatches!

  5. I hope your January is better than December and glad you overcame your pneumonia!!!

  6. Happy Holidays and Here's to a Brand New BEtter YEar!

  7. Understandable! And we must be sisters, because I'm the Queen of Procrastination as well! :)

  8. <3 Looking forward to an exciting 2015!

  9. Goodness me; pneumonia and a dislocated shoulder! That's quite a combination ... no wonder you're feeling rather frazzled. An injury like that can be so frustrating because it interferes with what you want to do in ways you could never imagine. Hope you can get a good rest and feel stronger soon. Thanks for all the lovely swatches and beautiful polishes you've introduced me to, over the last few months since I've been reading your posts.

  10. Sorry December was not good to you. Looking forward to your posts in 2015!

  11. Aw! Sorry to hear you were sick and injured. + echoes Kathryn's sentiments! May the rest of the winter be kinder to ya!

  12. Hi Sheila, more love comin' at ya from over here, too! Sorry you get down in December -- me, too. In fact, November is only second to how bad I feel during the holidays. So for two months, it just goes on and on -- week and after week of dreary days, long nights, winter setting in on the horizon. Just to let you know: your blog is a little bright spot for me personally during the hard times and I look forward not only to your beautiful photography, but also your personality which shines through in your writing. Hope you're feeling better soon -- like you, I'm glad the holidays are (almost) over!


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