Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen Pattern on Pattern: Day 4 Doctor Who on Stripes

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Purchased by Me items

Day 4 of Digit-al Dozen Week!! The theme for this month is Pattern on Pattern. So for today's mani I have Doctor Who over some freehand stripes

The Digit-al Dozen Pattern on Pattern

For this mani I used my (then) current manicure (so this is sort of an Extend-A-Mani!) of Elevation Polish Shilin Stone Forest (swatches here - sent for review) and did stripes in black, white and Picture Polish Eyre. Photo of the base alone below. Then I used some Doctor Who-themed water decals from Etsy. The decals are great but I really didn't consider their transparency and what that would mean over stripes LOL!

Thanks for checking in! Be sure to check the links below to see what creations the other lovelies in The Digit-al Dozen have for you!

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  1. I love this one. The stripes add so much depth!

  2. Love it, especially the stripes!

  3. I can't believe someone STILL squeezed in Doctor Who ....

  4. This is awesome - like the Doctor is emerging from the stripes.

  5. GAHHHH!! you know i love this to pieces.

  6. I love thi! You managed to create the stripes perfectly!

  7. You know I love this one!! And I'm laughing at Debbie's comment! Hahahaha

  8. Oh very cool! I love the stripes!

  9. I don't watch the show, but I totally love the stripes and the color scheme on this one!


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