Tuesday, March 10, 2015

CrowsToes Whoopee Cushion - for April's A Box, Indied

*This product is Cruelty Free 

Today I have  one of the Exclusives for the April A Box, Indied! This one is Whoopee Cushion from CrowsToes! Check with me after the jump for my swatches, review and all the details.

CrowsToes Nail Polish
Whoopee Cushion for April's A Box, Indied

The theme for this month's box is April Fools!

Whoopee Cushion is a pink-red matte polish with silver shimmer and tiny magenta flecks and it does look just like the shade and finish of a whoopee cushion! I used 2 coats with no top coat for the first 3 photos and one coat of top coat for the final 3 photos. No issues at all. Perfect application.

And in case you've forgotten what they look like, THIS is a whoopee cushion!

Without top coat - shade...

And with top coat...


What do you think? The color and finish are spot on for a real whoopee cushion! I actually preferred this one without a top coat, but adding a top coat brings out the extra spark though.

The theme for April's box is April Fools and in addition to Whoopee Cushion from CrowsToes, it will include offerings from Hare Polish, Pahlish, Black Cat Lacquer and Serum No. 5.

A Box, Indied retails for $50 and will launch March 26th only at Llarowe.com - at Noon MDT

Make sure to check out A Box, Indied and Llarowe on Facebook and Instagram @aboxindied and @llaroweofficial for news and updates along with sneak peeks of the featured products each month.

*Sent for my honest opinion/review by CrowsToes
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