Easy Halloween Nails: Gradient with Stripes
I'm back with another Halloween Mani! I have to fess up on this one though. I was SO inspired that I did a ton of autumn and halloween manis. Seriously, I did so many I had extra that were no specific purpose other than nail art is fun! Some were challenges, theme weeks, etc. and so many "extras." So I was sure I had one saved back to post today for you know, ACTUAL Halloween?
Nope. I posted all of them. I even did a blog post with 24 Nail Art Ideas for Halloween! So what happens? You scramble, that's what happens. Scramble for something quick and easy. So that's exactly what I did. If it's stressing you out, you're doin' it wrong. So no stress!
So I grabbed the first orange and purple (Color Club with no name label and Sinful Colors Amethyst) I could find and I knew Girly Bits Hooperchondriac was going to be the green. I did a quick gradient with the orange and purple and some quick freehand stripes with the green and BAM! Halloween by the seat of my pants.
Nail art has so many varying degrees. There are no rules and, as as Angie might say, no nail art police! (If you haven't seen Angie's videos on youtube you MUST check them out on Maria Cyza's channel.) You will laugh and fall in love with her. Calm down!
Yes, you can go all out but you don't always have to. Sometimes quick and easy is just as fun.
What's on YOUR nails this Halloween? If you feel like it, please go share them on my Pointless Cafe Facebook page - I'd love to see!
Also, for more inspiration, please check out the other Halloween manis in the links below!

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