Monday, February 8, 2016

Pahlish: There Is a Song Collection - Swatches and Review

Press Sample 
*These products are Cruelty Free 

As promised on IG today, I'm back with my full swatches and review of the upcoming River Song-themed collection from Pahlish!

There Is a Song

So as usual I have a lot of photos so we will just jump in head first.

Hello, Sweetie - This one is a lilac jelly with silver flakes and soft violet-blue shimmer. I used 3 light coats and one coat of top coat. The flakes are HUGE but they were no trouble at all. No issues.

I absolutely LOVE when River Song says "Hello, Sweetie." But I think it was never so poignant as when Capaldi's Doctor said it to River in The Husbands of River Song.  We all cried and cried.


Impossible Astronaut - This one is a subtle tan greige with silver micro shimmer. I used 2 coats and one coat of top coat. No issues at all. It looks like the sands at Lake Silencio. We all cried and cried.

And a little "nail art" (accent nail with dots) with Singing Towers...


Melody Malone - This one is a greyed purple cream with pink shimmer that reads copper as it sinks luxuriously into the base. Two coats with one coat of top coat. Smooth and creamy.

Melody Malone (aka River Song) appeared as the author of a book called The Angel's Kiss in The Angels Take Manhattan. A sad day indeed for Amy and Rory. Well sort of. More sad for the viewers. The epilogue of this book was written by Amy directly to The Doctor. We all cried and cried.

Same thing here using Stormcage as the accent nail and dots...


Singing Towers - This one is an espresso brown jelly with red and copper ultrachrome flakes and holographic micro-flakes. Two coats with one coat of top coat. No issues at all.

The Singing Towers of Darillium was referenced in Silence in the Library - referenced as a day we wouldn't ever want to come, since it would be the last time River would see The Doctor. But came it did in The Husbands of River Song. And it was magnificent. We all cried and cried.


Spoilers - This one is a deep oxblood red jelly with iridescent white flakes. Two coats with one coat of top coat. No issues. You may need 3 light coats, depending on how thick you do your second coat. I usually do but I didn't feel the need with this one. No issues at all.

Sigh. Every time I hear River say "Spoilers" I both smile and get a little sad. Knowing that each time she says it is one time closer to her ending with The Doctor and The Doctor's beginning with her, since they're traveling in time opposite of each other.  But both times The Doctor appropriated "spoilers" (in The Day of the Doctor talking about Trenzalore and in The Husbands of River Song) it made us cry and cry.

I'm sorry about that weird tree reflection in this next one lol...


Stormcage - This one is a blackened violet jelly with a mix of silver, blue, violet and pink flakes. This one is so squishy! I used two coats and one coat of top coat.

So...the Stormcage was River's prison. She was in there for killing The Doctor. Even though we know she didn't really kill him, she nevertheless accepted the punishment. And each time we think about it - and about The Doctor leaving her there after their dates - we cry and cry.


So basically, we cry and cry. If River had been written into Vincent and the Doctor, I would have literally cried "a river" for sure.

What do you think? Favorites? For me it's hard because RIVER SONG!!! But if it weren't a River Song-themed collection and the polishes were just named Polish A, Polish B, etc, I guess I'd have to pick Melody Malone as my favorite and Singing Towers as runner up?

This collection will be available Sunday, February 14th at 7 pm CST at the Pahlish Big Cartel Shop

Also, be sure to follow Pahlish on Facebook and Instagram for more photos and information.


*Sent to me by Pahlish for my honest opinion

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  1. Oh man, this collection is gorgeous and the fact that it's River- GIMME!! Amazing swatches, as always!

  2. Beautiful pictures!!!! All of these shades look amazing on you!

  3. Wonderful pictures! And now of course I have to have them. You've gone and cost me money again. lol

  4. I love singing colors! I've been looking for more sparkly brown polishes!


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