Monday, February 15, 2016

The Digit-al Dozen Does Nail Heroes: Day One The Crumpet


The Digit-al Dozen Does Nail Heroes
The Crumpet

Hi everyone! Time once again for The Digital Dozen week and for February it's Nail Heroes! I'd need more than 5 days to really cover all of them, but for now we will be showing you 5 of them.

For Day 1, it's Debbie over at The Crumpet. If you follow her blog, or her other blog, you may know that she will be stepping WAY back from blogging and nails soon to focus on her own life and we will miss her terribly. But you can't really begrudge someone doing what they need to do for themselves - their own lives. Debbie I hope you are able to find all the happiness in life that you deserve and I hope you stay in touch and don't forget us!

I chose one of my Crumpet favorites to recreate, but I did it in a different color scheme. For this mani I used KBShimmer Eyes White Open and Eclipse (both purchased by me because yes I'm on my 2nd bottles of each already) and acrylic paint for the red and pink.

This was Debbie's original mani - be sure to check out her post...

As always, please be sure to check the links below for the other great Day 1 Manis!

If you enjoyed this post, please take a second to "like" it! Thanks!



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