Sunday, February 14, 2016

Weekend Bits and Bobs: Valentine's Day 2016, Bunns and my Perspective Adjustment Team in "Action"


1.  Good morning!

2. Happy Valentine's Day!

3. It's snowing again!

4. Okay, now that's out of the way, here's how I really feel...

So, I'm doing this February calling called #rockyourhandwriting on IG with lots of other people. I don't know why, but it's fun! Makes me want to find my calligraphy pens and play around again. But so far I'm just using a regular ol' pen and some sharpies now and then. #lazy

Here are a few more:

I cooked a little - tried a few new things. The other day I saw a recipe for Wafer Sandwich Cookies that looked SO GOOD! While I'm not what I'd call a "great" cook, I will say that I'm usually a very good baker. But alas, these were, um...well let's just say they TASTED amazingly delicious.

I got the recipe from CasualContrast here and they looked like this...

So I gave them a shot! The icing was easy of course.

The wafer part though? I didn't do something right. Yes I pricked them with a fork, but you can't tell. However, they were buttery amazingness though. Wouldn't win any beauty contests though!

I also had some leftover potatoes from dinner so the next morning I made tattie scones,  a Scottish favorite. First time trying and I need to play with the potato-to-flour ratio a bit but they were yummy.

If there had been any doubt before as to why I'm not a food blogger, I mean aside from the fact that I'm the pickiest eater on the planet, with the palate of a picky 5 year old, there shouldn't be any question now! But, if you come over I will feed you well and it will all taste good!


My FOURTH coffee maker since I moved back to Indiana crapped out on me. That's less than 9 months! (And I had the receipts and boxes for two of them, so as much as I hate to return stuff, I carted them off to Walmart and was told I was TOO LATE. Past 90 days. GRRRRR!) Even though this awful water goes through a Brita pitcher first, I still think it has to be our water causing the issue. So after polling my FB friends, I ended up with a Bunn. No bells and whistles like clocks or timers or auto shut-offs, but DANG SON, I got coffee in 3 minutes! And it's good coffee!

It's been a bit of a rough week at Chez Sheila, so I allowed myself a little indulgence. (Who am I kidding, I allow myself any food indulgence I can anytime I can. I just don't usually eat it quite like this.) Yes I've made some awesome Boston Creme Pies in the past but I bought this one and I have zero shame. And yes I ate it straight from the package with a fork like a BOSS. And yes, I ate the entire thing all by myself.

I'm still wearing this mani I did the other day while reviewing the upcoming CbL Krispy Kreme Dreams Collection (launching Feb. 20th) - still working on my stamping as you can see.

And the dogs and I are still enjoying our first "winter" here at home. They got their "blankies" and arranged them just so and took over the entire sofa.

When I'm having a rough week or I'm feeling down I can always count on my fur-crew to give me a perspective adjustment.

I hope you have a FANTASTIC Valentine's Day!


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  1. Fun post! I do love the bits and bobs posts! Your handwriting is awesome; I've noticed mine has really gone to crap since I write so little. I have to practice before writing a card, if I want to write anything more than my name and a couple words....otherwise I mess up. I am officially angling for an invitation to visit, since you've moved to Indiana and I am next door in Ohio :D

  2. What a wonderful post! Your writing is gorgeous! I'm a left-handed, upside down writer so have always been in awe of beautiful penmanship....sigh... And that would SO be me with the Boston creme pie!! LOL Your fur babies are adorable and a Krispy Kreme collection!?!?! Be still my heart! Thank you...

    1. When I was a kid I wanted to be ambidextrous. But I wasn't. So I would practice writing left-handed as a game. I got pretty good at it! I mean not great but if I ever break ly right arm I'll still be able to get by LOL. I was a weird child.

  3. Love the bibs and bobs, the doggie pics, the handwritten letters-- wow!! and of course the manis (specially the Valentine's one) and the new coffee maker. One thing I can say about the eastern shore of Massachusetts where I've been working this year? Boston Cream donuts-- the best!!! I have one every TGIT-- yes, that would be Thursday. Who can wait for Friday?

    1. If I had a decent donut shop anywhere near me EVERY DAY would be donut day LOL!

  4. Hooray for tattie scones! I was tickled to see a mention of them here when even in England you'd be told "a tattie what? Do you mean a muffin?...". There's nothing finer to dip in your runny fried egg. Other Scottish staples would be lorne sausage (usually just called sausage, or square sausage), black pudding, and the inexplicably tasty fried fruit pudding....There's a reason we have the highest heart disease rates in Europe...

  5. Hooray for tattie scones! I was tickled to see a mention of them here when even in England you'd be told "a tattie what? Do you mean a muffin?...". There's nothing finer to dip in your runny fried egg. Other Scottish staples would be lorne sausage (usually just called sausage, or square sausage), black pudding, and the inexplicably tasty fried fruit pudding....There's a reason we have the highest heart disease rates in Europe...

    1. Well I usually say I love everything about Scotland. But what I actually mean is I love almost everything. For instance I'd never eat blood pudding or haggis haha! But I'm pretty picky. I'm so jealous of anyone lucky enough to get to live there! I visit as often as I can but it's been way too long this time with moving and jobs and everything. The tattie scones were delicious even it they weren't "pretty" for my first try.


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