Sunday, August 7, 2016

Weekend Bits and Bobs - Loving Every Moment

Long time, no see! I am on hiatus from nail polish reviews, at least I'm not currently accepting PR Samples anyway, but I do intend to post on the blog now and then. When I first started Pointless Cafe, it had zero to do with nail polish. So, while I may post my Nail of the Day now and then, I'm remaining on hiatus from polish reviews at least until the end of this year. I'll re-evaluate at that time.

In the mean time, what HAVE I been up to?

Somehow, in spite of my past use of "never" in connection with "farm," I am becoming a farm girl! Okay, fine. A farm older lady. Since I've moved back to "heaven" from South Lower Hell (aka South Texas) I've been loving the chance to be outside without internally combusting. The trees are green and the land is fertile.

Here's a quick photo "walk" through my recent activities. I have to say, I'm loving every moment. Turning 50 does something to a person. You just want to enjoy life. That doesn't necessarily mean no more working, just doing work you love. For me anyway.

I left the beach, but I didn't leave the water. There are many wonderful lakes...

The Ohio River...

I practically live in Hoosier National Forest and Lincoln Park is so close! Federal and State. Walking in the woods is something I used to dream about when I was in Texas. Now I can do it any time I feel the urge.

Wonderful family...the sort of family time and distance can't separate.  Twenty-six years apart and I still adore them. So happy to be close again.

And the farm? ME? Seriously, I'd never even MET a chicken before. My guy's farm doesn't have animals, but his family's farms do. Check out the hens! (Thanks for the eggs, gals!)

Even with no animals, there's work to be done and I'm learning. I can't even describe my first time on the zero-turn and do it any justice. I just wish I'd had it on video. Okay, mostly I wish I'd had HIM on video when it got away from me and he jumped about 5 feet and had to run as he was teaching me. But it didn't take long. If you don't have a zero-turn, you NEED one. Just sayin'. And getting the hang of mowing so much (and AROUND so many flowers and things) I'm pretty sure at least half of his yard got mowed twice.

Land spreadin' out so far and wide (you're welcome for the ear worm if you're over 40)...

I mowed that! ^

And more work...

Tomato Juice! ^

Homemade salsa! ^

And he can grow anything.

But he's not above buying something pretty for my birthday either...

And the mornings are SO PEACEFUL!

So right now, I'm just taking a little time out for myself.  But I'll see you back here fairly often, I'm sure.

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